Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin Tercentenary Portrait painted by Scott Holloway. This "fresh look" of Benjamin Franklin has been made into the New Town Seal of Franklin, MA. Now I am selling Museum quality Giclee Prints.

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Location: Worcester, MA., United States

Specializing in realist painting techniques dating back to the Renaissance, Holloway has painted everyone from university presidents to American historical figures. He is also an established Conceptual Artist as well and shows work in many galleries around the world including New England, NYC, LA, London and Berlin. my Bio and Resume:

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Worcester Windows Reception

Tonight was the reception for the Worcester Windows Reception. We thought it was only for the Chamber of commerce Building that Cynthia has a painting showing in but it was for the whole Worcester Windows project which included the Telegram & Gazette building that I am in. So we arrived thinking it was a reception for Cynthia and found out it was a reception for both of us.
There was a great reception sponsored by the CofC including a lot of things you would find at Trader Joes. But that was all good because Jan (I guess was in charge of the food) bought some sushi, and it was good!! After the reception which ended at 7:30 a few people walked the worcester windows walk. We drove a block to check out the artwork hanging at the Telegram and Gazette building. The people were very impressed with the first painting of Cindy's and really like the other painting she did. Turner was mentioned as a comparison.
Looking at the way they hung the paintings I am curious why they used easles for Cindy and wires for my work. More specifically; why did they only use one table top easel for her first painting (which is solid wood) and three table top easels for her second painting which is a lot lighter because it is masonite.
Once again; all the artwork was wired and ready to hang, but they only hung my work. Curious.


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